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Friday, April 18, 2014


There are a whole host of articles out there about ADHD being overdiagnosed.  A summary of the arguments are that:

  • in the past kids who were active had outlets for their energy (PE class, more free time, recess) but now they are required to sit still (for testing, for teachers to meet benchmarks for funding)
  • kids who don't behave don't all have ADHD, some have bad parents either incapable, lazy (especially if they are American and not French or Asian) or trying to scam the system to get SSI
  • pharmaceutical companies are funding the drive for medicating children instead of letting them have what they need (good parents, an outlet for their energy)
  • the economy is so bad that adults find they have to focus more than normal and so they are turning to drugs to help them to pull things together.
I'm a doctor, not a social scientist.  I know what I have seen, and that is that all of the above explanations are partially true and yet none offer a complete explanation for the behaviors of many of the children I have met with symptoms of ADHD.  

I do think, though, that patients need to be aware that there is bias in the medical system.

 The first is in diagnosis.  That is, that many educators (who are not doctors) push for the diagnosis before all of the medical facts are available.    For hints on what makes a proper medical diagnosis, see my article 

Top 10 Things to Do when Your Child Has Been Diagnosed with ADHD

Second, is in medication.  I don't mean to be harsh, but I do think that many children with ADHD could be handled differently by their parents and teachers.  I have made many mistakes myself.  There is definitely a set of children with ADHD who could probably get along with less medication or no medication at all if parents and teachers were trained properly in the special techniques necessary for children with ADHD.  If you start your child (or yourself) on medication, do yourself a favor and see a psychologist or counselor specially trained in ADHD.  Make sure the teacher is on board with what you are doing.  Medication is overrated and doesn't help everything.  You can't expect all your problems to go away just with a medicine.  Any doctor who lets you believe this is mistaken.

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