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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Back to College with ADHD 2

I went to Walmart today to do back to school shopping and was shocked to find that they were sold out of some school supplies already.  There was a lady there who took ALL of the paper folders from the shelf and put them in her cart.  Not good Walmart etiquette.  A good bargain hunter never takes the last one on the shelf.

But it just goes to show that procrastination leads to missing out on things.  So, put back to school shopping on your calendar for sometime this week.  Do it now before you forget.

On to part 2.

Mental preparation for the new school year:

1)  How did things go last year?   Are there things that went well that you'd like to repeat?  Or things that didn't go so well that you want to avoid?  What kind of plan can you come up with?  Do you need new or different accommodations this year with the courses you plan on taking?  If so, make sure you get on the ball and arrange them before classes begin.
2)  Brush up on study skills if necessary.  Graphic organizer?  Thought diagramming?  Note taking?  
3)  If you'll need a tutor or note taker, start looking for one now, before classes begin.   Honor societies sometimes will do this for free. 
4)  If you take medication, be sure to make an appointment to see your doctor.  If you'll be starting in a new town with a school doctor, make sure that you contact them to see what will be the best way to continue your prescription.  Some will want certain kinds of documentation from your current physician.

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