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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Yummy Gummies

Omega 3's are on my list of natural treatments for ADHD which are worth trying before medication.  This is because there are several studies (small) that indicate that omega 3 fatty acids may work to reduce symptoms in some patients.

It isn't easy to find recommendations on just how to give omega 3s.  Researchers have typically used rather high doses, but it is hard to know for sure how much to give, since omega 3s are not regulated as a drug by the FDA.  One thing I do know, though, is that the typical gummy omega 3--the ones you can buy at the grocery store and discount retailers--usually doesn't have enough.  They taste good though!  This is how we ended up using them...

Fish oil can give you fishy burps, especially if your body isn't used to taking them, so we started with a low dose--with the gummy vitamins so that they'd be more appealing.  As the dose went up, we kept the gummies as a supplement to the fish oil capsules because they taste good and they contain a little fish oil, too.  I know, why not just give candy and have done with it?  I figure, they keep the cost down, since per unit DHA, the gummies are less expensive.  Though I can't see giving 8 or 10 of them a day.  That's a lot of sugar.

Dental disclaimer:  Our hygienist says that all gummies, even vitamins, are bad for teeth and that even brushing doesn't always help get them off.  Use at your own risk.

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