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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Study Links Prenatal Tobacco Exposure to ADHD

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics shows that children who are exposed to smoking in utero have an increased risk of ADHD later in life.  Smoking has long been suspected as a potential cause for ADHD, however, it has been difficult to determine whether ADHD causes smoking or smoking causes ADHD.

People with ADHD are prone to all sorts of substance abuse/addiction, including smoking.  ADHD is known to have a strong genetic component.  So it is not at all surprising to find that mothers who smoke are more likely to have children with ADHD.  However, the new study also examined the smoking status of fathers and found a stronger link between mothers who smoke and children with ADHD than with fathers who smoke and children with ADHD.  This suggests that there is something more than genetic interference causing the association between smoking and ADHD.

Many children with ADHD do not have any parent who smokes.  However the current study may provide an explanation for why children with no family history can develop ADHD, and may also help explain the rising incidence of ADHD beyond what would be explained by higher awareness and other social factors.

Pregnant women should not smoke.  This new study just gives one more reason to quit.

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