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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bedtime and ADHD

Bedtime is a rough time for a lot of parents of kids with ADHD.  I mean, bedtime is hard enough with neurotypical kids, who are tired and a little goofy and/or grouchy anyway, but throw in a little hyperactivity and/or med rebound and its enough to make you want a stiff drink by the time the kids are all in bed.

Ways to make bedtime easier include:
1)  Make sure it is early enough.  Tired kids have fewer resources available to cope with their behavior.
2)  Make sure you have a routine in place.  Routines make for less defiant behavior because everyone knows what is expected when.
3)  Separate children if necessary.  I prepare two kids for bed together, but if they get too rowdy, they go to a non-punitive time out in separate rooms to calm down before they get in real trouble or someone gets hurt.
4)  Teach your child how to relax and calm down.  Realize that this is probably not possible in the presence of a sibling.  Once you have your child alone, it is a great time to learn to "find a happy place"--that is, concentrate on some deep breathing and imagine themselves someplace calm and relaxing (a forest or a beach, for example).  You might have them draw a picture of the place during the day, and have them put it by their bed to remind them of their happy place at night.
5)  Use natural means to minimize ADHD symptoms--diet, fish oil, etc.  If your child has difficulty calming after a particularly difficult day, you might even consider essential oils, but read this article first to learn about the risks and benefits of essential oil treatment of ADHD.
6)  Choose your battles.  Sometimes negotiation of certain difficulties is the best way to go.
7)  Voice your expectations firmly and clearly just before you start your routine.  Don't expect your child to remember to put their dirty clothes away or to brush their teeth every night without being reminded until they prove to you they can do it without being reminded.
8)  Use an incentive system (aka sticker chart) or checklist to encourage your child to stick with the routine and to complete all necessary bedtime steps.

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